Empowering Digital Confidence in a Connected World
Build Digital Confidence, Secure Your Digital Life
Helping you and your loved ones navigate today’s technology safely, securely, and with confidence. Discover essential skills for managing devices, recognizing threats, and protecting personal information.
The Price of Unawareness: A Story of Digital Confidence
Mr. Sam, a retired teacher in his seventies, was enjoying his retirement. He used his smartphone to stay connected with family and manage his finances. Like many in his generation, he didn't grow up using smartphones or computers, so he wasn't very familiar with the risks in the digital world.
One evening, Sam received a text message that looked urgent. It claimed to be from his bank and warned that his account would be locked unless he downloaded a “security update” by clicking a link. Trusting the message, Sam clicked the link and downloaded what he thought was an official banking app. In reality, he had unknowingly installed harmful software that let attackers access his phone.
Over the next few days, this software quietly collected his personal information and bank details. By the time Sam noticed something was wrong, the attackers had already taken a large amount of money from his account.
Sadly, stories like Sam’s are common. Many people, especially older adults, don’t know how to tell the difference between real messages and scams. Simple tips, like knowing how to check for suspicious links, understanding app permissions, and recognizing common tricks, could have protected Sam from this loss.
At DEFENTRO, we believe in empowering everyone to navigate the digital world safely. Our Digital Confidence training is designed to make individuals like Mr. Sam feel secure, confident, and prepared when using digital devices and applications.
Read similar real-life stories of digital threats...
The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults(https://www.google.com/search?q=Senior+Citizens+Targeted+by+Phone+Scams&rlz=1C1GCEU_enAE963AE963&oq=Senior+Citizens+Targeted+by+Phone+Scams&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDE1NjRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
Who's Making All Those Scam Calls? (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/magazine/scam-call-centers.html)
The Booming Threat of Mobile Malware (Thttps://www.snsin.com/the-booming-threat-of-mobile-malware/)
Who can benefit with our program?
Our Digital Awareness program is designed for anyone looking to strengthen their understanding and confidence in today’s digital world. Here’s who we can help:
Seniors and Elderly Users
Those new to smartphones, tablets, or IoT devices, who might not be familiar with navigating these safely.
Busy Family Members and Caregivers
For those who don’t have the time or technical know-how to teach their loved ones about safe device usage, we’re here to help on demand.
New Smart Device Users
Individuals of all ages who want to get comfortable with their devices, learn security basics, and avoid common digital pitfalls.
Professionals in Non-Technical Fields
Anyone who relies on devices for work or personal use but doesn’t have a technical background. Learn the essentials to keep your data secure and your devices running smoothly..
Those Who Want to Stay Digitally Updated
If you feel unsure about modern apps, security practices, or using your device to its fullest, our program keeps you informed and in control.
Parents and Guardians
Helping families create a safer, more aware digital environment by understanding app security, safe browsing, and parental controls.
DEFENTRO's Digital Confidence Program
Device Safety Basics
Learn the essentials of device security, from managing permissions to updating software.
Staying Current with Digital Advances
Customized On-Demand Assistance
Digital Literacy for All Ages
Recognizing Threats
Get up to speed with today’s digital tools and apps, gaining valuable skills to make the most of technology safely.
Too busy to teach tech? Our experts are ready to assist your loved ones anytime.
Guided sessions designed to empower individuals of all experience levels with hands-on learning.
Spot suspicious messages, links, and apps to prevent digital scams before they happen
Making Technology Safe, Simple, and Secure for All
Smart devices are everywhere, but not everyone feels confident using them. Defentro’s approach combines clear, practical guidance with essential security insights, demystifying tech and empowering individuals to use their devices with confidence and peace of mind.